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If you submit personal information with respect to any insurance products featured herein, this information may be used in one or more of the following ways:

  • Application Information:

    This is information we receive from you on applications or other forms, by phone, and online. It may include your name, address, and telephone number, e-mail addresses, driver's license number, social security number, date of birth, length of employment, gender, marital status, prior insurance information, home ownership, length of residency, vehicle descriptions, miles driven and vehicle use, other drivers, and driving history.

  • Transaction Information:

    This is information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others. It includes your insurance coverage selections and premiums, payment and claims history, and information necessary for billing and payment.

  • Consumer Report and State Information:

    This is information we receive from a consumer reporting or State Agency, and is used to confirm or supplement Application Information. It may include motor vehicle reports and claims history reports. We will disclose Consumer Report and State Information only as necessary to quote or service your insurance policy and as permitted or required by law. We only share information as necessary to transact insurance with our insurance carriers.

In addition, we may collect user information for our Web sites via cookies, alphanumeric identifiers transmitted from a Web site to a visitor's browser. We collect such information solely for the purposes of better customer service, enabling our ability to identify users and create content to meet their needs. While it is possible to disable cookies via your browser settings, doing so may not allow us to enhance your Web experience.

We collect only the domain name; the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail; aggregate information on what pages consumers visit; and information volunteered by the consumer, such as quote requests, survey information and/or site registrations.


All information that we collect may be used as follows:

  • To provide insurance quotes requested by consumers, based on the information that they have supplied.

  • To maintain communication with prospective customers in order to provide information on new products, services or upcoming events.

  • To improve the content of our web page and to notify consumers about updates to our web site.


We only disclose your personal information as necessary to effect, administer, or enforce your transaction with us, or in conjunction with servicing your insurance policy through insurance carriers or their representatives. Parties we share with may include our group of affiliated insurance underwriting companies, claims representatives, courts and government agencies. We may also disclose information as required by organizations with whom you have an existing relationship and with which we have joint marketing agreements.

If you do not wish to receive email, phone calls and/ or mailings from us in the future, please let us know in an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it call us at 877-999-8333. Please be sure to include your name, address and phone, and we will be sure you are removed from the list.

From time to time, we may change this Privacy Policy. The effective date of this policy, as stated below, indicates the last time this policy was revised or materially changed. Checking the effective date below allows you to determine whether there have been changes since the last time you reviewed the policy.

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